Decisions need to be taken at every turn of life and at every step, sometimes consciously, sometimes subconsciously. When you choose to accept someones decisions also u are actually "deciding" to accept it.
Now, when 2 are involved, how fair is it for one person to decide something and stick tot it. If for example the decision is something which is going to be tough on both, both suffer. However, the person taking the decision has the luxury of having thought about things in hand and more importantly the luxury of "deciding" things.. Yeah, I know its forced by situations and nothing can be done about it.. but I will still scream out loud that its unfair!
The worst part is, how much ever one tries to explain the situation to others, one cannot make the other person feel the exact thing which he/she is going through. Its impossible to make others see the things the way you do... That never works. However, again, this should not be used as an excuse for not trying to explain the situation to the people involved.
At the end of the day, you will have to live by decisions of your own and some not your own. You can as well choose to stand and fight on those forced on you... sometimes the fight is useless, and in very few occasions, it might also change things....
You know the irony of life.. An optimist is the one most hurt :)