Wednesday, September 15, 2010

RT 15.09.10

Trust - should never be gifted.. It should only be earned...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

RT 14.09.10

It is wrong to assume/"understand" that "something" will give the other person(read loved one) "happiness" and work hard to get them that, sometimes even going against their wish. This is simply because it is never possible to give "happiness".

The best one can, I think, is to make them aware of the choices the world has to offer and give them the education/understanding/"ability to make the right decision", which will eventually lead to happiness and a higher state of living itself.
Its similar to, trying to get the loved one an award for a competition :P - instead of, helping them prepare for it and let them win it themselves, which would give them, true lasting happiness :-)

Friday, September 03, 2010

RT 03.09.10

In life we are at crossroads all the time.. we make choices, which end up defining who we are.

And regarding making decisions, no one can make them for others, no?
No matter how close they are.. No one can possibly understand, how exactly you feel. In-fact not even that - no one can ever understand, what situation you are in - what is important and what is not - and why. It can never be the decision you take. You could probably take opinions and suggestions, others view of things.. but again.. not decisions ... Think about it..