Saturday, August 26, 2006


Am just drifting along,
No Idea where I am, where I've been.
Even a moment to pass, it feels so loong,
No clue, what remains to be seen.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Words are chameleons which reflect the color of their environment.
-Learned Hand (1872-1961)

Friday, August 11, 2006

So much sadness exists in the world that we are all under obligation to contribute as much joy as lies within our powers.
- John Sutherland Bonnell (1893-1992)

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Friendship for Requirement....

Hmm.. Been struggling to remember my password for the blogger account for the past few days!!! Finally gave up and went for the "forgot password?" option and got a new password!

Anyways, thats not the topic... Its been really long since I posted anything.. actually stopped somewhere in the middle of the US trip and nothing at all even after coming back.. somehow didnt feel like.. or been too lazy :P

Again, thats not the topic of this post :D.. okok relax, have some patience..
The headline does not sound good at all rite?! Actually, such a thing mostly does not exist... But, unfortunately, it seems like happening always... :D

Confusing??! okay.. let me try and explain...
What is being a friend of someone.. Its become more like, talking often, sharing stories, good and bad and doing things together.. Sometimes it so happens that this stops abruptly.. reasons can be many!!! But until both parties involved dont think it was inevitable, its going to be bitter...

The strange but true thing is, it is natural for ppl to do this.. Everyone of us do it.. I mean, there will be a good friend with whom you would be sharing most of the things, and due to many reasons the contact is lost, very few times coz the purpose is served for one of them.. (Shame on you!)..

But the main point is, 99% of them dont do this intentionally.. this is forced on to them.. and once it is out of the normal routine.. it is very rare a person tries hard to keep in touch the same with all of them (Hats off to them who do.. to others, its ok.. its natural :P)..

But the best soln as one of my good friends pointed out, is if you think one of your friends is not the same anymore, then be mature enough to accept that it is natural somtimes, and it might be inevitable and stop bothering about it :) Your friend is fine and more often than not found another good friend :)) (Mind you, this is not sarcastic or a bad thing... thats the way things go.. its very very normal and natural)....

Me??! I am one confused soul regarding all this.. this post is an outcome of my attempt to think about it and why it happens :)