Hmmm... So what is this learning everyone keeps talking about, almost at every place.. There is learning in school (forced), college (mostly forced), work location (by choice/advice), party places (advice), home (voluntary) and any other place you can think of. So does learning mean the same at every location above or is it different. If different, how different is it? Are they related? Can learning be bad? dangerous or useless? These are few of the matters on which I plan to debate within myself. Yes, these are very well affected by the experiences I have been through in my life. However, I promise to keep them as general as possible.
Firstly, Learning is different in different times, however it ends up giving the same result. Something newly learnt, and known to you, is what you usually use to help you in your future actions/reactions. And also, learning is different, however the differences are very subtle. In school time, you mostly learn what you are told to learn and learning is mostly via books, with assistance from the teachers in the form of teachings. Its slightly different in college times, where in you will have access to much more resources and also will have more freedom to explore the world around you. You can see the world in a different perspective. Things become more so the case after college. Many things which you did not even know existed in school and, knew the existence, but did not matter in college, now will be of high importance. Now learning would've shifted from books, to learning while living, by observing others, by mistakes, few others and few our own. Whatever the cause, as I said before - the end result is the brain puts up a template for the particular learning - and gives a natural answer when you are faced in that situation (why more experience is a thing for which there is no alternative).
Mostly learning is done consciously. However, you might be surprised, the things which usually make a difference in life, are the ones which you would've learnt sub-consciously or without being aware of. Things which are of importance are the things which will affect you while making a decision, which affect the way one reacts to situations, to people. These are things, a person learns over time sub consciously. This learning comes from family, friends, environment and the surroundings a person is brought up in. With all this in place its very tough for one to be open minded and realise the choices one has when making a decision, or when reacting to something. We often think that the possibilities are limited to what "we know currently". We do not know why, most of the times, however, we are somehow sure that the choices are limited in number.
With this background, its tough to be "free".....
To be continued...