Wednesday, July 09, 2008

After some time...

I am back to writing a post after a looong time. There is no reason for the delay and I know most of the people who are reading this wont even be interested in any lame reason I would come up with for it.

I, as always want to write about things which, affects our decisions, affects our outlook towards life, towards, work, towards others and even towards ourselves.. One such thing is accountability.

Accountability is a rather sensitive matter. It is sensitive because more often than not, it is related to our much glorified "EGO". Yes, no matter who, what, when, its natural for people to first clear themselves of any mistake that has happened. Its the first thing that comes to mind - "I cannot be wrong!", "I mean, come on.. I know it all, I could not have made a mistake", "I have seen all this much before and many times, I know I am not wrong", "I am the senior, it must be one of the younger ones who do not know what is what" and something which always seem more than convincing is "Its the situation which are making things seem wrong, I did not do anything". All these seem much too familiar right, most of them heard from within yourself :)

Unless one learns to be accountable, its difficult to grow mentally, emotionally, in career, in life. You stop growing, the minute you stop accepting your mistakes and wrong doings. Being accountable helps build self-confidence and importantly have a clear conscience. With clear conscience, everything seems nice and good. Life is not gloomy after all....

Remember, being wrong is not wrong, its only human. Not accepting it, however is harmful to ourselves...


Blogger sushma said...

Wonderful Post..
Very true..
Trying to defend one's mistake leaves you with a heavy conscience. But being accountable and accepting makes one feel very light hearted and things become easy later..
Only that doing this needs courage which is the difficult part. [:P]

Thursday, July 10, 2008  

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