This topic is about Cancerians... ppl with sunsign Cancer. More often than not, these are the ppl who are really very close to how they are supposed to be according to all the horoscope books. A hurt child, capable of getting hurt at the silliest of the situations, very emotional, high level of attachment to ppl around etc etc.
Hmm.. It is natural for anyone to stay from this class of people. No, the reason is not because they want to escape from a leech.. its coz they are scared if they hurt them even without intention! You know what, even this staying away hurts them :) So is it that whatever one does / does not do, its impossible to keep a Cancerian from getting hurt. Well, it seems to be the case with the poor Cancerians.
I am not a believer of all these sunsigns, astrology stuff, but surely these things strike to be more than just co incidence sometimes. For eg, Its not like, all the other ppl target Cancerians ( I hope so!! ;) ). Its just that they "get" hurt more. How does it feel to have such ppl as friends, what if you cant stay away, they are ur close friends. I'll tell you, its very very frustrating :) again its coz, u cant stop them from getting hurt or feeling bad.. its like their birth right to get hurt for the smallest reason possible :D
Now from the Cancerians point of view, they think ppl around them are those without whom they cant survive. They get attached to ppl very easily. They feel everyone around them is close to them. Being a close friend brings with it few requirements - understanding, reciprocation of feelings etc.. When this does not happen.... yeah, you guessed right, they get hurt. Most of the times its the Cancerians who build a world of their own within themselves, they set their own expectations etc. These expectations are a lot and the main reason for the hurt..
Now, fgt the getting hurt part, one thing about Cancerians, no one can give more into a relation than a Cancerian. They go all out... sometimes it seems as if they are trying to impress.. no, thats how they are!!! They like to have attachments, they like to feel loved, cared about.. remember, a hurt child. Even better thing about them, all this getting hurt, no reciprocal for their feelings, etc, never stops them from going all out again.. they get hurt, feel bad.. next day, they are at it again!!
I can go on, but somehow rite now not feeling like.. may be some other day will continue, or may be not :)
PS: This is a very general opinion, this by no way means that all the Cancerians fall into this category, or that other sunsign ppl are not like this. But the majority are like this.. Hopeless creatures or hopelessly wonderful creatures.. Cancerians :D