Sunday, December 16, 2007


This might be the least talked about things when it comes to listing out things which are required for a relationship to last. I am not sure if modesty is the right word, I hope, by the end of the post that, its clear what I want to convey. The things we usually consider when we talk about any relationship are: liking, compatibility, caring, understanding etc etc. All these are very important of-course. However, there is this other thing which is equally important, if not the most important thing for any relationship to remain as it is on a longer run.

According to me, the very moment one starts to think that, he is better or the other person is lucky to have him as a friend, the relationship gets strained. The way you talk, respond etc will get affected by this. A relationship will be strong as long as you have things to admire in other person, or something you always look up to. This might be the thing you like in the other person, be it caring, be it understanding or be it plain stupdity! ( Oh yeah, u can be liked by being plain stupid.. this is what keeps me optimistic btw :P ).

All these are a result of normal human tendency to judge people. They may not dis-like a person, however, they wont "prefer" the company of that person. This is where modesty comes in. If you are able to admire/appreciate every other person, you will never any problems with any relationship from your end! You really do not have to try hard to find such things.. everyone has at least one or two unique qualities which makes them likable.